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Royalty Update: EL Éditions Publishing Catalogue - Payout #1

Royalty Distribution ID008 – 12 August 2021

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ANote Music has distributed €2,406.77 from SACEM (the French National Collective Organization) as royalties payout for the reference periods of January 2021 – May 2021 (completing H1 2021) and June 2021 – August 2021 (Q3 2021) for the EL Éditions Publishing catalogue.

The revenues from the publishing rights have been lower compared to previous payouts, mainly due to the continuous COVID-19 restrictions, that refrained the main artists on the catalogue from doing live performances until the first months of 2021. As concerts and shows are picking up again and more events take place, an upswing is expected to be noticed during the next distribution phases.

The auction for the EL Éditions Publishing Catalogue was completed on June 15th, 2021. As a result, ANote Music investors are receiving €2,406.77, corresponding to the 5% of the catalogue listed.

Stay tuned!